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Best Paint Colors to Increase Your Sales Price

color palette guide paint for exterior works

We all know that color has the power to boost our mood, and evoke all sorts of feelings, but it turns out if can also boost the sales price of your home…up to a whopping $5000.

Colors like blues, grays, greens, and whites are great colors for your home to attract buyers. Buyers view home with these colors as fresh and clean, and moreover they can easily picture themselves with their families and things living in the space.

In a recent analysis, where surveys were given to recent buyers and perspective buyers, it was revealed that paint colors matter deeply, and it also matters what rooms you use them in.

Let’s look at the findings and the recommendations.
*We should note that the study calculated increases based on a $290,000 home.

Blue is for Bathrooms

Light blue bathrooms are definitively linked to a higher sales price. Survey participants overwhelming communicated that they’d be more interested in touring and buying a home with a light blue bathroom—and willing to pay a premium- a full 1.6% more than expected.

Below is a list of top LIGHT Blues recommended by Interior Designers.

  • Ethereal Mood, Behr
  • Beach Glass, Benjamin Moore
  • Ethereal Mood, Behr
  • Beach Glass, Benjamin Moore
  • French Moire, Sherwin Williams
  • Mediterranean Sky, Benjamin Moore

Blue is Also for Bedrooms

Blue again was shown to be a preference in primary bedrooms, but this time the shades of blue were more saturated – deeper and moodier shades of blue. The cozy atmosphere created by these blues paid off! These deeper blue bedrooms were associated with a $1,500-increase in the home’s value.

Neutrals Reign Supreme in the Living Room

In the common spaces the neutrals are still very much the top of the color wheel preference among buyers. Buyers respond favorably to white kitchens and light gray living rooms.

Living Room Light

Soft gray neutrals were linked to a $200 boost in the offer price.

Keeping Kitchens Bright

Crisp White in kitchens can add as much as $500 to the value of your home.

Paint Colors That Could Decrease Home Value

Other findings from the survey showed paint colors can have the opposite effect and have a negative effect on a home’s perceived value. In particular, bright colors and hues were least attractive to the buyers surveyed.

Bright red kitchens surveyed as have in a decreased value of $1,500. Similarly, a bright yellow kitchen came in at the very bottom and a complete put off to buyers.

Does it Really Matter?

It really depends mainly on how long you intend to stay in the house. If you plan on staying put for 5-10 years, paint away. Paint colors can be incredibly personal, but they are also super easy to change. If you are committed to expressing yourself with rich
darker hues, then do so! Just remember if you are listing soon and you want to maximize your offers, paint for others and not for yourself!

For more tips on home buying, check out Karen’s earlier Website Blog Post, How to Assess a Home Quickly.

Karen would love to advise you in making your decisions about paint of any and all things related to real estate. Contact her today!


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Fishing Lake Oconee

As a Lake Oconee real estate agent, Karen’s job is to learn and inform her clients of all the benefits of living at Lake Oconee.