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What is Lock-and Leave?

Karen is seeing an increasing number of clients that are interested in pursuing a “Lock-and-Leave” lifestyle. The idea gives homeowners a lot of flexibility and allows them to split their time between two primary residences, with the “Lock-and-Leave “property providing the flexibility they are after.

Let’s look at exactly what “Lock-and-Leave” means and explore if it makes sense for you. “Lock-and -Leave” style of living refers to a form of homeownership designed to provide convenience, and security with minimal maintenance responsibilities.

Is a “Lock-and-Leave Home” Right for You?

Homebuyers have always desired residences reflective of their lifestyles… more and more this means (from adventurous millennials to boomers) smaller homes with amenities and automation systems that enable an on-the-go lifestyle.

The growing desire for more spontaneous, and active lifestyles along with demands for relatively stress-free living are driving “lock and leave.” Low maintenance townhome communities, condo complexes, and low-maintenance single-family communities lend themselves nicely to the lifestyle, with security concerns minor, and household responsibilities few. Many of those interested in lock and leave homes currently own larger homes, and are keen for additional conveniences to downsizing.

In a lock-and-leave community, you no longer need a house sitter or lawn service if you plan to take an extended trip. A community of neighbors alongside a staff help ensure that pets, plants, and mail will be looked after no matter how long you’re away. High net-worth individuals want less maintenance, more amenities, quality finishes, and smaller square footage. In essence, simplification. For so long, the idea of “bigger is better” when it came to luxury reigned supreme. Today, the real luxury seems to lean more toward freedom from household duties, and freer minds.

Multi-Generational Appeal

Clearly, as the boomers reach retirement, the appeal of lock and leave is growing. Many retirement communities have long offered a lock-and-leave lifestyle, promoting the no-maintenance benefits as a major appeal. The ability to pick up and leave whenever you like has more recently spread beyond baby boomers to gen-xers, snowbirds, and even millennials.

Technology Makes it Even Easier

Lock-and-leave living has also benefitted from advances in technology. Now, with just a couple of gadgets, you can enable an alarm system with video monitoring or install an entire home automation system that allows you to turn lights on or off, control thermostats, and monitor water heaters or other systems all from your phone. While confusing to some retirement-aged homebuyers, it’s a very convenient option for young professionals and families.

Some newly built communities are even featuring these systems in the construction process itself. Whether a first-time homebuyer or a retirement community member, homeowners like to be on-the-go. How about you?

To learn more about all things real estate, contact Karen today. She can help you find the right property for you.


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As a Lake Oconee real estate agent, Karen’s job is to learn and inform her clients of all the benefits of living at Lake Oconee.