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Downsizing & Rightsizing (Part 3 of 4)

What Will Bring You Contentment, Peace and Joy?

You’ve made a decision to Downsize or Rightsize.
You’ve decided to let go of the expectations of others and redefine where you live and how you live.
You have successfully let go of the stereotypes, perceptions and obstacles that were holding you back making it easier to allowing you to understand how YOU FEEL, and subsequently decide on what’s genuinely important to you.


What’s Important to You?

The best most effective way to get at this question is to ask yourself, what do I want? Conversely, and sometimes equally as important, you can also ask yourself, what don’t you want?

DOWNSIZE Scenarios: An Exercise

Take a moment and react to the following statements. Assign each of them a High or Low Priority.


“We want zero yard to take care of”
“We want to be in a neighborhood with no restrictions or age limits”
“We want a community of people that are of a similar age.”
“We find it more interesting of living around people of all different age groups.”
“We want walkability. “
“We don’t want to be in a neighborhood with children.”
“We don’t want to be next to people.”
“We really want our amenities like pool, tennis, golf.
“We prefer not to pay for additional amenities as part of our neighborhood.


“We want to cut our mortgage in half”.
“We want to have no mortgage”
“We don’t mind paying association fees to belong to part of a neighborhood.
“We would love to be able to rent a mountain or beach property for a month a time”

The more specific you can be with what you want to happen, the easier it is to find the perfect fit. You will be literally manifesting your future.

It May be a Long Process (And There’s Nothing Wrong With That)

Baby Steps are often the perfect method to getting to where you want to go. Very often homeowners rush the outcome and find that weren’t quite psychologically ready to take the plunge.

Ripping off the Band-Aid is fine for well… ripping off the Band-Aid, but not for big decisions that impact your life.

Karen and her team have created a Four Part Blog Series dedicated to Downsizing and Rightsizing. You can also visit her website for a new special section filled with helpful advice and resources. Also of note, Karen will be producing a Downsizing Rightsizing Seminar on May 7th . There will be information presented from a Financial Planner, a Professional Organizer, Lender, and of course Karen. There will be entertainment along with food and drinks after the presentation. Please join us. Contact Karen to reserve your space today.

Contact Karen, your North Atlanta Realtor, for any and all things related to North Atlanta Real Estate.


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As a Lake Oconee real estate agent, Karen’s job is to learn and inform her clients of all the benefits of living at Lake Oconee.