Public or Private
Sometimes the neighborhoods clustered around popular private schools are prohibitively expensive. Families also have to factor in they will be paying tuition to attend these schools which can cost well into the thousands per year. Tuition rates vary widely, but the average tuition cost is $10,940, which is the same as $912 per month in mortgage payments. In comparison, homes in strong public school districts can be a better deal and more affordable.
What about Redistricting?
The best laid plans sometimes go awry. For example, a popular, highly desirable school district in North Fulton recently underwent not one but two redistricting changes. Real estate never comes with guarantees, of course. But it’s certain that parents will always want the best school they can afford for their kids. In markets good and bad, home buyers should think about resale when seriously considering a home. Buyers, before moving forward on a home, should immediately think like a seller. Ask yourself the question: “If the housing market changes and I need to sell, how will my home fare?”
Always Pick the Home that’s Right for You
Don’t let the school be the only factor you use in choosing your home. The home has to obviously have other attributes like, size, number of bedrooms, price and over all fit. Karen would love to help you work through your “must have” list to find the perfect fit for you.
You can check out Public, Private, State, Virtual and Charter Schools here!
Here’s a complete list of Georgia School Districts
Another helpful resource is School Digger which gives you breakdowns based on Test Scores, Number of Students, and Student to Teacher Ratios.
Finally, Karen has been firmly entrenched in the North Fulton Real Estate Market for years. She has raised children here and has firsthand knowledge and insight into the schools and surrounding neighborhoods that offer the best of both. Contact her today to explore the possibilities for you and your family.