Step Outside

Staring at the same FOUR walls the last few weeks has taken a toll on everyone. Luckily, the warm North Atlanta temperatures have arrived to save us! We can all Step Outside and create some outdoor living spaces that can accomplish three incredibly
important things.

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Couple Looking At House On Digital Tablet's Screen

Buying and Selling Your Home in the Corona Climate

In general, fewer people are on the hunt for a new home, and fewer people are listing. Ironically this downturn comes at a time when buying a home is more affordable than ever. Just last week, Freddie Mac published an article that reported interest rates hit a near 50-year low, at 3.29% for a 30-year fix-rated mortgage.

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Downsizing & Rightsizing (Part 4 of 4)

As we have been exploring in this blog series on Downsizing and Rightsizing, today there are a wide variety of reasons as to why people are making their move. Once you have gotten through any mental obstacles that may come along once you decide to downsize or right size, you start to wrap your head around the physical.

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Downsizing & Rightsizing (Part 3 of 4)

What Will Bring You Contentment, Peace and Joy?
You’ve made a decision to Downsize or Rightsize.
You’ve decided to let go of the expectations of others and redefine where you live and how you live.

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Downsizing & Rightsizing (Part 2 of 4)

Downsizing can have a negative connotation, and make you feel solely like you are “stepping down” or “settling for less”. This is simply not true. Many people are downsizing today by choice and not by necessity.

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Downsizing & Rightsizing (Part 1 of 4)

Downsizing or Rightsizing (the term now more commonly used) is something that many homeowners have already or will soon think about. In fact, millions of Americans are approaching retirement and this group of “empty nesters” are entertaining the concept and making the move every single day.

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How to Choose the Best Lender

Navigating the complexities of the mortgage world can be overwhelming. And despite the current low rates, it’s still important to understand the differences in mortgages, as well as the differences in lenders.

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