January GARDENING in Atlanta

While January Gardening may sound like an oxymoron, it’s not! The North Atlanta Winter isn’t really like the winters in the north and west, so there’s plenty you can do now that will have your landscaping in great shape come spring and summer. A great idea regardless, but especially great if you are considering listing your property in spring!

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Happy New Year! Real Estate Goals for 2020!

The beginning of the New Year is a perfect time to get motivated to take stock. Taking stock in terms of real estate can mean a lot of different things depending on where you are on the real estate continuum. Home Ownership comes with a lot of decisions spread over time. What time is if for you and your journey?

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Top Things that Date Your House (Part 2 of 2)

All White replaced brown and bronze kitchen, so if you are still living in the Bronze/brown Age, it’s time to get out. Air and Warmth is what you are going for, so brown will weigh down and date your house. Read more to learn about what dates your house.

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Backyard Refresh in Time for Fall

Finally! Now that the cooler temperatures of fall are (hopefully) around the corner, and we can sit outside and actually enjoy it, it’s time to think about the condition and usability of your backyard.

Here are some ideas…

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You’ve Decluttered, Now What?

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Home Organizing Experts and Professional Home Stagers agree whether you are getting your house ready for the market or not, the vast majority of us need to reduce the amount of stuff we have.

There are two approaches to getting rid of clutter. One is the ripping off the band aid approach, doing it all fast and furiously over the course of a long weekend or week (depending on how much stuff you have). The other is to carefully and methodically pick around the edges and gently, slowly pull it off.

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